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=== Everyday stories about a guy who runs, because he can === Building good habits through life experiences ===


The Useless Runner
Sep 6, 20243 min read
La batalla silenciosa
Fuerza de voluntad "La capacidad de resistir recompensas a corto plazo en busca de objetivos a largo plazo." Hay muchas cosas en mi vida...

The Useless Runner
Sep 6, 20244 min read
The quiet war
Willpower [ noun ] - /ˈwɪlpaʊə(r)/ "The ability to resist short-term rewards in pursuit of longer-term goals." There are many things in...

The Useless Runner
Sep 5, 20242 min read
Forever faster
Fast [ adjective ] - /fɑːst/ " moving or able to move rapidly . " In 2009, Usain Bolt ran the 100 meter sprint in 9.58 seconds at the...

The Useless Runner
Jul 16, 20243 min read
The least expected moment
Inspiration [noun] - /ˌɪnspɪˈreɪʃn/ "the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions." There are moments in life when we...

The Useless Runner
Jun 7, 20248 min read
Frustration [noun] - /frʌˈstreɪʃn/ "The emotion felt when one's expectations are not met." My main motto in life has been to always be...

The Useless Runner
Mar 12, 20243 min read
Haz que sea tuyo
Fe [sustantivo] "Creencia firme en algo para lo cual no hay prueba." Lee mientras suena esta melodía. Vale la pena. Últimamente, he...

The Useless Runner
Mar 12, 20243 min read
Make it your own
Faith [noun] ~ /feɪθ/ "Firm belief in something for which there is no proof." Read along as you play this tune. It's worth it. Lately, I...

The Useless Runner
Jan 13, 20243 min read
Small victories
Overcome [verb] ~ /ˌəʊ.vəˈkʌm/ "succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty." Today was one of those days when I thought about my...

The Useless Runner
Oct 21, 20234 min read
Hasta siempre, Papá
Dejar ir ~ [expresión] "Aceptar la realidad de la pérdida y permitirse sentir el dolor mientras se libera la necesidad de aferrarse al...

The Useless Runner
Oct 21, 20233 min read
So long, Dad
Let go [expression] ~ /lɛt ɡəʊ/ "Allow someone or something to escape or go free." Hello Dad, This moment has played out in my head a...

The Useless Runner
May 25, 20234 min read
All in
Injury [noun] ~ /ˈɪn.dʒər.i/ "Physical harm or damage to someone's body caused by an accident or an attack" By this time you probably...

The Useless Runner
Apr 28, 20238 min read
Mister Lance
Horror [Sustantivo] "Un ataque de nerviosismo o ansiedad extrema" Voy a empezar con un cliché. Confucio dijo: “Tenemos dos vidas: la...

The Useless Runner
Apr 28, 20238 min read
Horror [noun] ~ /ˈhɒrə/ "An attack of extreme nervousness or anxiety." I am going to start with a cliché. Confucius said: “We have two...

The Useless Runner
Mar 7, 20233 min read
The race that never was
Pity [noun] ~ /ˈpɪti/ "a cause for regret or disappointment." 2022 was a tough year for me. I fought all kind of obstacles trying to push...

The Useless Runner
Feb 19, 20233 min read
100 days
wake-up call [noun] ~ /ˈweɪk.ʌp kɔːl/ "Something that makes you realize that you need to take action to change a situation." It has been...

The Useless Runner
Jan 29, 20236 min read
El ultimo adiós. Una elegía.
Huérfano [sustantivo] “Un niño cuyos padres están muertos.” Traducido por: Andres E. Jimenez M. La última vez que todos estuvimos juntos,...

The Useless Runner
Jan 27, 20235 min read
Adios, Pete.
Que alivio! ~ Expresión. "Estar contento de que alguien o algo se haya ido." Translated by: Andres E. Jimenez M. Esta es una publicación...

The Useless Runner
Jan 17, 20232 min read
Los 12 minutos del infierno
Darlo todo [adjetivo] "Hecho con el máximo esfuerzo". Traduccion por Andres Enrique Jimenez Mi papá siempre decía: "En lo poco, se conoce...

The Useless Runner
Jan 17, 20233 min read
The 12 minutes of hell
All-out [adjective] ~ /ˈȯl-ˈau̇t/ "Made with maximum effort." My dad always used to say "En lo poco, se conoce lo mucho" (It is in the...
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