The Useless RunnerSep 52 minForever fasterFast [ adjective ] - /fɑːst/ " moving or able to move rapidly . " In 2009, Usain Bolt ran the 100 meter sprint in 9.58 seconds at the...
The Useless RunnerMar 123 minMake it your ownFaith [noun] ~ /feɪθ/ "Firm belief in something for which there is no proof." Read along as you play this tune. It's worth it. Lately, I...
The Useless RunnerFeb 28, 20214 minWhen things go wrongThis week something happened to me. Something that never in our wildest dreams we could have imagined.
The Useless RunnerFeb 15, 20215 minEl ProfeEl Profe (The Coach or 'professor' if you are looking for a literal translation) is someone I wish I had gotten in touch with sooner.
The Useless RunnerJan 27, 20213 minNow what? - The post-race bluesWhen I crossed the line of my first Ironman 70.3 Race, it suddenly came to me like a ton of bricks. Now what?.
The Useless RunnerJan 22, 20216 minMy friend, Mr. Ice CreamGluttony [noun] ~ /ˈɡlʌt(ə)ni/ "habitual greed or excess in eating." So, where do I start with this one. I will start with a very simple...
The Useless RunnerJan 18, 20216 minMy KETO journey and those nasty horrible fattening carbsmoderation [noun] ~ /mɒdəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ "the quality of doing something within reasonable limits" Disclaimer: I am not a doctor ... blah ......
The Useless RunnerJan 16, 20213 minFrom Fatman to IronmanTaking the leap is the most difficult thing when it comes to good habits. Be your own ironman.
The Useless RunnerDec 24, 20203 minThe magic pill of weight loss, and the Yo-Yo effectMagic ~ /ˈmadʒɪk/ noun : "The power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces". I am over 4 decades...
The Useless RunnerDec 10, 20203 minThat 14th of OctoberSo there I was. Going through my adulthood and doing all the things human beings are supposed to be doing. I had a job, a family, got a...
The Useless RunnerDec 9, 20202 minWho am I?, My Useless Runner story.Ever since I can remember, I was a fat kid. Nothing wrong with that, is something I pretty much accepted as part of who I was. How does...