Explore [verb] ~ /ɪkˈsplɔː,ɛkˈsplɔː/
"Travel through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it."
By now you probably know how much I enjoy movies about space exploration.
When Neil Armstrong was onboard of Apollo 11 for launch, his heart rate hit a maximum of 110 beats per minute. However, as he was landing the Lunar Module on the surface of our celestial neighbour, his heart rate peaked at 150 beats per minute. To put this into context, his heart rate whilst landing the module was the equivalent of my average heart rate during an all out full gas 5K run trying to hit a new Personal Best.
If I tried to drive my car to the shop right the second I finish that 5K run, I will probably hit he pavement within 5 seconds. Is incredible to see the skill he had to have in order to keep things under control during the biggest moment of his life.
The movie 'First Man' portrays the story of Neil Armstrong and all the challenges he had to endure in his personal and professional life. He lost his daughter when she was very young, and also lost very good friends during his time in the space program at NASA and as a test pilot. His was not an easy life. He had to fight for everything he got, and he succeeded.
In the movie, there is a scene when the Apollo 11 launches from earth. The soundtrack to this scene is a very powerful one, and mixed with the images it makes not just for very good viewing, but also a very dominant message (at least for me). Neil's eyes are locked up on the moon in the skies, and as the rocket shakes and jumps everywhere, he never loses sight of it. His eyes are focused on the mission, and nothing else matters.
Nothing at all.
We all know how the story ends. Neil lands on the moon and will forever be on the history books. The finesse he demonstrated is second to none, and in my opinion, goes beyond anything we as humans have ever been able to achieve during our time on earth.
We are explorers, always looking to discover new things. We may be on this earth by chance, but we have the ability to question ourselves, to challenge for new things and to succeed.
This is how I see my journey through sport and also through life.
We all have to start somewhere. We all have to take that first step towards something we don't know. Something that scares the shit out of us. A new journey. That journey being leaving home at a young age, like many of us have, or training for a big race without the slightest idea of where to start or how to improve.
You cannot start your journey with the final sprint. Everything has a process, and life or sport are no different. The challenges we face and the way we deal with them always define the person we become, and how strong we really are.
There will be lows and highs, there always are.
Be scared.
Be bold.
Be prepared to fail, a lot.
Be prepared to cry.
Be prepared to lose important people in your life.
Be prepared for blood, sweat and tears.
Be prepared for anything.
"Never be discouraged to do something that scares you. That is how growth and resilience are built."
Explore your limits, whatever it is that you are doing. At work, at home, in sport, is all the same when it comes to facing your fears and reaching new highs.
Keep your eye on the end game, just like Neil Armstrong never stopped looking at the moon in the sky on that launch. Do not let life get on the way. Let it shake you, let it scare you, but don't let it stop you. Think of those who have left the face of this earth with regrets about the things they never did. Think about those who were taken too early and never got to fulfil their destiny. Life is short, so make it count .... make it fucking count for something.
Always know your why. Always know why you are doing the things you set out to do. You don't need to justify them, just to understand them, and what they mean to you, and nobody else. My why is important to me. It may seem futile to other people, but I don't care about that, because it is meaningful to me, and it matters, a lot.
Even if your heart rate is 150 on the final stretch of road on that race you want to conquer, keep your eyes locked on the finish line, and don't give up.
Nothing worth having, comes easy.
Here is the full tune by Justin Hurwitz.
Thanks for reading.